Innovation district at ENLIGHT
The Innovation District will develop academy-industry partnerships. Our goal is to develop our regions’ innovation districts by offering ENLIGHT Innovation Networks of academy-industry collaborations and organise Academy Industry Meeting (AIM) days that will take place during the ENLIGHT European Dialogue annual conference.
AIMday, Uppsala University, ‘Sustainable Urban Development’
12 May 2022
AIMday stands for Academic Industry Meeting day. AIMday is an exchange of knowledge and ideas focused on finding novel approaches to real-world challenges. It is simply the idea that a broad mix of academics can provide different perspectives and surprising new avenues to solving problems – and thereby create favourable conditions for continued cooperation between external organisations and academia.
Each company that attends will pose a challenge that they face within their sector. Based on these challenges, academics and researchers register to attend an inter-disciplinary workshop with the company to discuss the challenge and brainstorm innovative solutions.
This inaugural ENLIGHT AIMday, themed ‘Sustainable Urban Development’ brought together city and regional players with academics from the ENLIGHT Universities to discuss challenges in each region. See a list of the challenges discussed here.
Desired outcome for AIMday in the European Dialogue context:
- ideas for integrating community challenges into education units
- ideas for using community challenges as a basis for a research project
Participants at the ENLIGHT European Dialogue/AIMday event 2022
Innovation Workshop, Science Park, Comenius University, Bratislava
15 November 2022
Representatives from the ENLIGHT Universities gathered in Comenius University to discuss key topics of innovation districts of each region represented.
- Ing. Anna Pilková, PhD. MBA, Professor at Faculty of Management, Comenius University, Bratislava.
- David Murphy, Director of Technology Transfer and Innovation, University of Galway
- Peter Stec, Bratislava Innovation District, Expert in the field of urbanism & building an innovation ecosystem in the context of a space for sharing knowledge & supporting creativity.
- Jenny Nordquist, Head of Innovation Partnership Office, Uppsala University.
- Workshop sessions lead by Lucia Kohnová, Comenius University, Bratislava.
Participants at the ENLIGHT Innovation District Workshop, Comenius University, Bratislava, 2022