News & Events

5th ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar on 2 September 2024

The 5th ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar will take place on 2 September 2024 from 10:00 - 11:30 (CET) with a presentation on “The Irrelevance of Non-Reproducible Research” by Erivelton Nepomuceno

Open Science promotes transparency and accessibility in research, facilitating replication and further exploration of findings. Reproducibility is a fundamental element, ensuring scientific reliability and advancement. However, this open approach often clashes with intellectual property concerns, revealing a tension between open access and proprietary rights. In a utopian scenario, universities could evolve into “free patent places,” where research is published openly, thereby maximizing public benefit and societal progress.

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