News & Events

Call for participation: Humour as a Communication Tool Workshop

We would like to invite academics, PhD students, students and external stakeholders of ENLIGHT partner universities to the Humour as a Communication Tool Workshop on 14 February 2024The workshop will be held at Comenius University in Bratislava in cooperation with RED NOSE Clowndoctors organisation, a Regional Academy of Comenius University that uses the art of clowning to bring humour and laughter to people in need of joy. 

Call for participation in Challenge-based Education training (online, 25 and 27 March 2024)

ENLIGHT promotes innovative teaching and learning approaches, one of them being the Challenge-Based Education (CBE) methodology and this is a call for participants in the next edition of the CBE training sessions for educators.

ENLIGHT Lecture: “Future of Energy”, January 17, 3 pm CET

 Join us for an enlightening and inspiring exploration into the future of energy at our upcoming event, "The Future of Energy" on January 17th at 3 pm CET

Upcoming Webinar: Impact in Academia on 25 January 2024 from 12:30-13:30 CET

In this webinar, representatives of the ENLIGHT Impact Task Force will introduce the concept of impact: What is impact? What is not impact? What is impact assessment? And what is the link with societal engagement? They will also present the ENLIGHT methodology for the impact assessment of university activities and discuss with participants how to embed an impact-driven culture at ENLIGHT universities and beyond. 

Find out the answers to these questions and discuss about the impact/driven culture at universities! Registration is open to everyone by clicking on the link below.

Register for the Webinar: Impact in Academia

Read more about the Past and Upcoming Public Engagement Webinars.

Intercultural Exchange: A Useful Tool for Honing Critical Thinking Skills

Eight weeks ago, teachers Dr. Smita Raman-Gyetvai and Laura Syms, together with 24 students from five of ENLIGHT’s partner universities, representing at least 13 different cultures, embarked on a journey.The first six weeks were spent interacting online, with participants getting to know each other—starting from the basics of everyone's studies, to addressing hard questions such as defining the most pressing issues of our time. Throughout this process, the students formed genuine bonds as they researched and discovered information about the world through a myriad of lenses.

Empowering European Research: Highlights from the Cross-Alliances Forum 2023

Many inspiring speeches were delivered from 30 November to 1 December at the Science with and for Society in European Alliances: Cross-Alliances Forum 2023, taking place in Brussels, showcasing the progress that 37 alliances have made so far, aiming to create the free movement of knowledge.

Is your research exemplar in planning for and achieving impact? Apply to the ENLIGHT IMPACT AWARDS!

On 1 December, the ENLIGHT University Alliance has launched the call for Impact Awards to recognise and give visibility to research endeavours at ENLIGHT partner universities that are exemplars in planning for and achieving impact. Applications are invited from research teams from ENLIGHT partner universities.

ENLIGHT Rectors endorse joint Open Sciences principles

On 23 November the 10 ENLIGHT Rectors endorsed joint Open Science principles on the occasion of the ENLIGHT General Meeting in Uppsala. With the joint statement ENLIGHT aims to create a common basis for an Open Science culture.

Call for participation - New Nursing subgroup across ENLIGHT

Academics and researchers from Bordeaux, Ghent, Galway, Groningen, Tartu and Uppsala joined the new Nursing network led by UPV/EHU in a first meeting to set off collaborations across the Alliance. "In Nursing research, multidisciplinarity is one of the keys to improving people's health.",  claimed leader Saloa Unanue. The group includes experts in varied disciplines from vascular access to pediatric nursing, caregivers´ language analysis, neuroscience, midwifery or vulnerable communities´ care implications.  Expressions of interest  by other researchers in the alliance to join this network are welcome, please send your contact details and research interests to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

ENLIGHT Cancer Days - 1st Edition

On 28 and 29 September 2023, the first ENLIGHT Cancer Days were organised at the University of Bordeaux, on the initiative of the Bordeaux Institute of Oncology. This congress gathered researchers from 5 Universities of ENLIGHT. The scientists from the University of Galway, Ghent, Göttingen and the Basque Country discussed the current academic development in cancer research. These discussions set up a path for possible future collaborative research work among the ENLIGHT’s partners.

ENLIGHT Lecture on “Sustainable Cities/Smart Cities"

Join our online lecture on "Sustainable Cities/Smart Cities" on November 8th at 3 pm CET!

📣 What's new in ENLIGHT 2.O?

ENLIGHT 2.0 kicks off on the 1st of November 2023! Our alliance is committed to keep promoting equitable life, sustainability, and global engagement through impact-driven and challenge-based transformation of higher education. But what is new in ENLIGHT 2.0?