Promoting innovative Open Science Workflows
The ENLIGHT Open Science Ambassador Network is a network of researchers, affiliated to one of the ENLIGHT universities, engaged in Open Science. The Ambassadors are enthusiastic and outspoken supporters of Open Science principles and practices, and function as a liaison between the researchers in their university on the one hand and the ENLIGHT consortium on the other.
What our Open Science Ambassadors do?
Act as multipliers across disciplinary networks at regional, national and thematic level: increase conversations around Open Science, cultivate awareness, foster openness, encourage Open Science engagement within the ENLIGHT community
Inspire and Enable
Grow awareness of Open Science in their specific domain, exchange Open Science experiences and connect with ENLIGHT Open Science Network
Reach out & Engage
Share perspectives, join conversations, discuss and communicate domain specific requirements into the ENLIGHT Open Science Network
Facilitate and Promote
Promote ENLIGHT Open Science practices at meetings and conferences