On 19 September 2023, 70 research evaluation specialists looked at “responsible research assessment” from different angles. Staff members from research and HR support offices, grant offices and research intelligence services explored what responsible research assessment means in their work context and how it can be realized. Representatives from the ENLIGHT partner universities also discussed effective actions to (start to) change research assessment systems.
- Tanja Strøm (INORMS), The SCOPE Framework for Research Evaluation
- Nele Bracke (Research Department, Ghent University), SCOPE case study @ Ghent University
- Shaya Abdolahzadeh (Services, University of Groningen), The responsible analysis of the academic and societal impact of research
- Kalmer Lauk (Grant Office, University of Tartu), Combining quantitative and qualitative metrics in research assessment: Screening for potential ERC applicants in the University of Tartu