
ENLIGHT Calls 2024

To stimulate and support the bottom-up cooperation between the ENLIGHT university communities, ENLIGHT launched a first set of calls for joint initiatives in the framework of the ENLIGHT Erasmus+ European University project in April 2024 . More calls are coming in 2025!

The ENLIGHT+ call has several deadlines per year. The calls for ENLIGHT Incubator Grants and ENLIGHT Thematic Networks are closed. New calls will be opened as from Spring 2025. 

Each call targets joint proposals for specific types of actions involving at least three ENLIGHT instutions. 

  1. Call for ENLIGHT Incubator Grants: to support joint future-proof education projects and stepping-stones for international learning across the six ENLIGHT focus areas
  2. Call for ENLIGHT Thematic Networks: to support interdisciplinary academic networks for developing joint challenge-based activities linking education, research and outreach across the six ENLIGHT focus areas
  3. ENLIGHT+ call: to foster new emerging joint (small-scale, inclusive and/or sustainable) initiatives across disciplines

Please check the specific aims for each call below together with the specific deadlines and forms. Questions? Check the below FAQ section

Looking for ENLIGHT peers and matching interests to submit a joint application in one of the calls? Post your request in our partner search tool or contact your institutional ENLIGHT coordinator

Download the full guidelines below (see heading 'How to apply')


The aim of the call is to facilitate the organisation of joint small-scale projects, collaborative events, or workshops, while also encouraging initiatives that actively contribute to the advancement of sustainability practices and the promotion of inclusivity within our academic ecosystem.

Academics, administrative staff members, PhD candidates, and students from ENLIGHT universities can apply.

The proposed initiatives involve colleagues from at least three ENLIGHT universities. Outputs (courses, events) should be open for participation of staff and students of all ENLIGHT universities.


The maximum funding amount and deadlines for implementing the proposed measures may vary depending on your university. See application guidelines (annex 1)

Eligible for funding are organizational costs and mobility (travel and accommodation).


31 January 2025

Selection criteria

Eligibility criteria

  • Involvement of min. 3 ENLIGHT universities
  • Institutional affiliation with an ENLIGHT university
  • Alignment with ENLIGHT+ objectives


  • Quality
  • Feasibility
  • Accessibility to the target groups

Specific criteria

  • Conformity of the proposal with the specific criteria of the applicant’s home university

How to apply? 

Applications must be submitted by the main applicant using the destined form.

Available for download are:

Please upload your completed application form (as a single .pdf file) via

Evaluation process

The evaluation process is coordinated by all partner universities, with budget decisions made individually by each applicant's home university.

Results are communicated no later than 6 weeks after the application deadline.


Each project is required to provide a short report upon completion.


Please check the below FAQ. Contact your institutional ENLIGHT Coordinator


Does your question not appear in the FAQ? Please write your institutional ENLIGHT Coordinator









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