© Ghent University, Christophe Vandereecken
© Ghent University, Christophe Vandereecken
The directors and the Strategy System group members recently met in Bilbao with a view to discuss and progress toward a common vision for ENLIGHT as a stable Alliance.
After a much valued dialogue, the discussions will continue in the mid-year meeting to be held in Galway in June, where the Governing Board will be informed of the main achievements attained so far; on the outline for the next application; and on the longterm vision options for the consortium.
At the end of June, a meeting of the Digital Campus Working Group took place in Tartu. The aim of the meeting was to discuss all the issues that have arisen during the development of the digital campus at the partner universities.
The digital campus gives the student the opportunity to get acquainted with the ENLIGHT network courses offered by ENLIGHT partner universities and to receive instructions on how to apply for the desired course. In addition it is very welcome and long awaited in the ENLIGHT network because it helps to create a single system between nine ENLIGHT universities, where finding likeable courses will become easier and more convenient.
On 7 June 2022, ENLIGHT RISE arranged a workshop on Digital Research Infrastructures with focus on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Speakers from GÉANT as well as University of Gent, University of Göttingen and Uppsala University elaborated on engagement opportunities with the EOSC from perspectives such as life sciences, OpenAIRE, national research infrastructures and SSH. Sixty-four participants from across Europe followed the workshop online. Videos of the sessions are made available on the ENLIGHT YouTube channel. Please find the report on the workshop here.