News & Events

Virtual Exchange Partnering Brazil-Europe - 25 October

The ENLIGHT partner universities of Uppsala, Groningen and Ghent are organizing a Virtual Exchange Partnering Fair together with the FAUBAI, the Brazilian Association for International Education (similar to NAFSA or EAIE but for Brazil).

The goal of the initiative is to promote collaboration between the ENLIGHT universities and Brazilian universities participating in the BRaVE programme (Brazilian Virtual Exchange), to develop Virtual Exchange as an innovative teaching and learning method, to facilitate new contacts with teachers in Europe and Brazil, and to provide information about Virtual Exchange training opportunities.

The target groups are teachers and researchers with an interest in collaboration with Brazil and Virtual Exchange, International Relations Office staff, and pedagogical developers.

On Monday, 25 October 2021, 9:00 BRT / 14:00 CEST, we host a one-hour ZOOM webinar in which experts for Virtual Exchange will give an introduction into the concept, good-practise examples and current developments in the field. We will also inform about training opportunities and possibilities to develop new Virtual Exchanges.

After the webinar, the participants are invited to participate in a match-making to find a partner for developing a new VE initiative. Based on a short online questionnaire, we will create some matches and introduce teachers with a shared interest. The matches will receive help from an experienced VE developer during a first meeting in the beginning of November on the Gather Town Platform.  

See the full program and list of instituitonal contacts


Welcome to the new members of the student network!

Courses are starting and students are returning to their campuses (or their digital classrooms) which means that the work of the ENLIGHT Student Network continues. Some representatives have left their positions and moved on. Our official hand-over meeting took place in August. We are looking forward to our exciting Student Board elections and working with all the new Student Network Representatives.

The Student Network has successfully sent in an application to participate in the Teaching and Learning Conference in Ghent looking at the lessons we have learned through digital learning and the lessons we will learn as we return to in person teaching. We are excited to engage with the diverse student groups that make up ENLIGHT over the coming year and are hopeful we will meet each other in person over this academic year.

Conference "Social Responsibility in Challenging Times" (Tartu, 7-8 Oct 2021)

The U4/ENLIGHT network Social Sciences, Economics and Law (SSEL) conference "Social Responsibility in Challenging Times" will take place on 7-8 October 2021. The conference will be held online.

NUI Galway to Partner with Basque Country and Comenius on an exciting EIT Funded Innovation Capacity Building in Higher Education Project.

NUI Galway is to lead a new European project to bring a new entrepreneurial focus to higher education in collaboration with ENLIGHT partner institutions.

i2i (Idea to Impact) will train more than 800 students and 300 staff over two years to look beyond the boundaries of their own disciplines, to think innovatively and enhance the start-up ecosystem in a network of universities and colleges.