To support joint activities between the nine ENLIGHT universities in the area of teaching and learning, research and administration the University of Göttingen will fund, with support of the DAAD and BMBF, different projects for affiliates of the University of Göttingen and its ENLIGHT partners. Besides mobility schemes and windows, resources for the organisation and implementation of various learning formats and other events that are part of the ENLIGHT portfolio are eligible measures for funding.
Both, new and established collaborations or projects are welcome for application. In any case, but especially when developing teaching and learning offers or exchange opportunities, it will be helpful to consult your International Office in order to make use of existing agreements or to identify potential synergies with departments at ENLIGHT partner institutions.
Please note that only researchers, staff and PhD students from the University of Göttingen (incl. University Medical Center Göttingen) can apply.
Deadline for application is 18 July 2021.
All proposed projects must be thematically linked to one of the ENLIGHT challenges or other ENLIGHT focus areas. The integration of a minimum of three ENLIGHT partners in the proposal is required.
You can apply for the following funding schemes: